Summer holiday in France   -   Augustus 2008


First stop for food and drinks in Luxemburg

Overnight in Cormatin (South/west of Dyon)



Sue and Cees



Holiday for two weeks in Lectoure  -  Lac des Trois Vallee

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Fishing lake





Visit to the Airbus (A-380 model) factory in Toulouse

In real and under construction



Shop and eat in Toulouse


Fun at the lake and pool 









Shopping , eating and drinking in Lectoure





Good Red wine and food  (Skalli)







Quad drive   -  Angela and Yasmin                       



Lots of sun flowers 



It just fits on the bridge

Chocolate factory in Nerac





Lets's party ....




Augh  -  castle, market and flowers ... 




Armagnac Wine house  - Cascogne 







Night trip on 11 August
to the nightly airbus convoi  -

Airbus Guide









Special prepaired round-about for the Airbus convoi 


Condom Museum in Condom

Armagnac Museum - wine press  

Trip through Paris on Sunday  





Gereden      : 3809 Km
Gemiddeld  : 72.3  km/h
Verbruik     : 7.6  l/100 km


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